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My name is Adesuwa, I'm 26 years old and am the founder of Nurtur Skincare. But most of all, I'm probably like you. I struggle with my mental health.   

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My Story

I founded Nurtur Skincare while in my undergrad in 2017. I began the company because I noticed a lack of connection between skincare and mental health in the skincare industry. Over the years, the industry has grown in that aspect, and I began to take more interest in the mental health sector as my depression became more evident in my life.


I've struggled with depression for years but never quite knew what was wrong with me. I often felt unhappy, listened to sad music, and couldn't get out of bed. I truly believed my life did not matter and everything would be better if I no longer existed. Over my lifetime, I've come very close to ending my life, but there was always a divine, I believe, divine intervention preventing it from happening. I never understood why these situations or feelings arose in my life and not others, but now I have an idea. It's to help you or those you may know who have difficulty with their mental health, whether it is with anxiety, OCD, schizophrenia, depression, etc.


If you, or anyone you know, struggles with their mental health, trauma, or practicing self-care, I would love to speak with them and see what they need to improve their life. 

Fill out this form and we'll be in touch soon.

Talk to you soon!

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